Monday, January 23, 2012

The Things We Take For Granted


Comparing our lives today to those of our grandparents and great grandparents it’s fair to say we have it easy.

Can you imagine having to wash the dishes without a dishwasher, or doing research through hardcopy encyclopaedias? Well, that this is how the older generations lived their lives. Now we love our dishwasher and computers, but we sometimes (read always) forget that these are all luxuries, not necessities.

How many times do we get frustrated when the internet is slow, or our phone’s battery dies? This frustration turns our love for technology into anger and is complemented by phrases such as “stupid phone”, “I hate my net” and “this is taking forever”. But it doesn’t take forever to find out what the weather will be like tomorrow, or to load a song on YouTube. In fact it takes a lot less time than it would have all those years ago.

So next time you forget your phone at home, just relax and remember that the oldies got through just fine without it.

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