Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Smart phones & Obsolescence

With the seemingly ever changing smartphone technology seen in today’s market, it seems that even after buying the most recent Apple or Android phone that in a month you will be behind the trends again. I experienced this when asking some other friends if I should buy an IPhone 3GS recently and was shut down because they insisted that I should buy the newest version as this one is two years old. Their argument was that this older version has become out dated with the newer versions available with some improved features.

This begs the question, is this obsolescence planned by the big companies to guarantee that people will upgrade to their newest models when available, just because their older product stopped working. Planned obsolescence is the idea that a product has an in built expiry so that more products are consumed. This is a concept that has bred from our consumerist society from big companies taking advantage of people wanting to be at the pinnacle of technology. But I guess each to their own, I’m still happy with my little 2+ year old Nokia for nowJ .

1 comment:

  1. I dont know that there is a conspiracy, but certainly technology companies continually improve their products to generate features that prompt consumers to upgrade their products.
